
Nothing beats Empowering People

21. May 2024

Our employees are what make Greiner what it is. The entire team faces the challenges ahead with drive, courage and commitment.

Empower People

With numerous measures in the areas of health & safety, diversity, fairness & inclusion as well as training and development, we do everything we can to be an attractive employer. In this article, we show which measures we have taken in 2023 and which steps are still necessary. 

We want to prepare all our employees for the challenges of the future. We want to promote flexibility and diversity. Because nothing works without our employees.

Bericht 2023
Video zum integrierten Geschäfts- und Nachhaltigkeitsbericht

Safety and health are our top priority

The safety of our employees is our top priority. We made further improvements in the area of occupational accidents in 2023. We reduced the accident frequency rate for serious accidents by 41 per cent (compared to our base year 2018). In 2022, the reduction was 27 per cent compared to 2018. We are doing our utmost to prevent accidents and illnesses. In 2023, we had installed an ISO 45001 standardised management system at 15 locations, which is externally audited and certified. ISO 45001 describes the requirements for an occupational health and safety management system and provides guidance on implementation. 

Promoting diversity

In 2023, we took important steps with regard to diversity, fairness and inclusion. We introduced a Group-wide policy on diversity, fairness and inclusion. This policy was drawn up by our cross-divisional DEI working group. The members of the working group were also involved in a variety of other topics: Best practice examples within the company were identified and shared, opportunities for a Group-wide training programme on diversity, fairness & inclusion were analysed, plans for employee networks were developed and internal awareness-raising measures were supported. To promote equal opportunities, we have set ourselves the ambitious goal of achieving a 40 per cent share of women in management positions by 2030. In 2023, we were at 27.5 per cent, in 2022 it was 26.3 per cent. 

Fit for the future: training and dialogue 

Suitable training measures are needed to make our employees fit for the challenges of the future. The average hours of further training remained at the same level as in the previous year. In 2023, we had 15 hours per employee - with a target of 16 hours by 2025. 69 per cent of all employees had an appraisal interview last year, compared to 58 per cent in 2022.

Global partner for charitable causes

Even in difficult economic times, we are maintaining our social commitment. In 2023, we supported a total of 356 projects worldwide, compared to 297 in 2022. We were able to continue our long-term partnerships with organisations such as the MINTality Foundation, the Jane Goodall Institute Austria, Teach For Austria, Geben für Leben, Plastic Bank and Viva con Agua.

Report 2023

Our Annual and Sustainability report 2023

Elisabeth Brandstetter
Greiner Mitarbeiterin Elisabeth Brandstetter
Content Manager Sustainability